Sunday, March 30, 2008

Budgeting our Lives

Discussions have been ongoing w.r.t the details of the move, specifically whether or not to bring everything all at once or to do it in stages (see previous post). Right now we're leaning towards the staged approach. This is probably for the best regardless of what we decide on, for the simple reason that it forces us to look at our current lifestyle and see what activities are important to us. Listing what we like to do is one thing, but when you have to weigh enjoyment vs. space required for equipment to do that pass time, things start to look a little different.

For example, rock climbing is a big part of my life right now, with a very small requirement for equipment. A pair of shoes, a chalk bag and a harness and i'm good for bouldering, sport climbing, gym climbing. In sharp contrast to it however stands miniature wargaming. In order to rightly enjoy that, I need to bring my army(ies), paints, possibly terrain. Wargaming probably takes up more of my free time now, because the part I like most is the painting / modeling aspect, which can be done in small chunks, but the equipment necessary to do so means i likely will either not be bringing it on the first shipment, or else making some very difficult decisions about my collection.

Collections in general pose a problem. Comic collecting will probably all but cease, as getting North American comics in NZ will be difficult, so we'll probably be making quarterly orders to The Comic Book Shoppe to have it shipped.

Like everything else about this move, it comes down to budgeting.


  1. We just moved 3km down the road and found that difficult. I can't imagine what it would be like moving across the world!

    Reading your posts is making me realize more and more that I might just put up with the freezing temperatures of Canada for the foreseeable future and leave international moves to the braver, like the two of you :P

  2. Be sure not to estimate the amount of gear required for climbing! You didn't mention you'd need a rope & grigri for indoor leading. But I assume you'll also want to climb outside which requires even more gear (quickdraws, biners, webbing, helmet, etc).

  3. Likely not to be honest Cyndi. If i do anything, it'll be outdoor bouldering, for which i need a crashpad (which i don't currently own anyway)

    I'm terrified of heights, the only reason i can lead indoors is because I know the gym well and know it's total height is pretty small.

  4. OK, I see. In that case, might I suggest, before you leave the country, that you try bouldering at Niagara Glen? I had a fun time there a couple of years ago.
