Monday, January 19, 2009

Carly's Kiwi Job

Well good news everyone! i got a job as a teacher here in New Zealand.
I was offered the 0.5 (1/2) time position at the Montessori school that i posted about early in the blog. This job for 6 weeks during June/July will become 1.0 (full time) while the teacher, R., goes off for training in the US. Also the principal of the school offered me first pick of any and all release/training/relief days for the rest of the school's teachers.

so R. and I worked out that i'll work in his classroom all day Monday and Thursday and from 9:00-noon-ish on Tuesday. Its kind of neat as well because my family and friends know how obsessively i love books. Well R. offered me the entire Language Arts (reading,writing,oral) program to do what i wish but he wanted to use Balanced Literacy. Funny enough i was trained in ... balanced literacy. R. will take all Maths but we'll keep each other in the loop so that i don't lose all my math skills. The other subjects we can do what each of us wants because in the Montessori class you don't do whole class instruction but do small group seminars on a particular topic. "today we're going to look at chemical reaction of baking soda in a variety of liquids" or "i'm going to give a french lesson at 10:30". all in all i'm very excited.

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