Tuesday, February 10, 2009

rental woes

So we received a call today; the property management company called and said "your lease is up March 5, what are your plans". Well our plans aren't terribly important because it seems as the only option they're willing to offer is a one-year lease.

many of our family and friends know we are getting tired of this place. its small, ridiculously loud when students move back (they're back btw, holidays are over), and well we want out of the city core.

it just seemed to creep up on us...have we really been here this long. it will be 5 months on February 11...holy crap!
so today Blaise and i called up our friends A. & R., R. works at a property management. we did a quick drive by one up on a hill that while awkward to move into, may be very nice. we have a viewing tomorrow.
we also hit up good old trademe.co.nz to checked out some other spots, found another possibility in a place called Kingston. Incidentally the names of streets in Kingston are as follows, Quebec, Halifax, Baffin, Montreal, Huron...ok that's just kind of strange. anyways we'll keep you all posted.

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