Saturday, April 18, 2009

do not rely on me to be your dive buddy just yet

So scuba lessons are still progressing nicely.
the theory while dull is going quickly and last night we were introduce to Dive Tables. I must say with a little bit of pride I seem to have the knack for calculating dive tables. The two Danish guys sitting next to me kept saying they'd buy a computer but i was whipping through the problems like no ones business.

We got back into the pool tonight, the 5 meter dive pool. The instructors don't understand why i'm not cold in the water, i show up in my two-piece and everyone else including them are wearing poly-prop tshirts and bermuda shorts. Guess the Canadian in me still hasn't lost her cold resistance.

I'm good at some maneuvers like flushing out my mask and replacing my regulator, i've improved to be good at finding my regulator (turns out the issue was the instructor kept using the phrase tummy button which is really belly button but i have it now). Buoyancy needs works, i'm still popping up and down like a cork. It doesn't help that when i go up when i expected to stay down i take deep breathes and flail around which only increases my buoyancy.

what i failed on...and this is why you don't want to be my dive buddy just buddy breathing. This is when your dive partner runs out of air and comes to get some from you. Now in the real world when diving the first you'll know of this is when your buddy rips your regulator out of your mouth or is pawing wildly at your suit. In the pool they teach us this nice polite method of swimming up to you making two distinct gestures at which point you should have ripped your back up regulator (the octopus) off your jacket, turned it right way up and be aiming it towards their face. Yeah ... i failed to respond to Roy's (the instructor) signal until he did it twice. Ooops.

But on the plus side when i was signaled to do the same to my training buddy by the instructor he handed me the octopus upside down. You breathe from an upside down regulator you'll have a mouth of water. Now at the time i swear i felt my instructor pulling/pushing my side when i was doing this but i was kind of focused on getting the regulator turned right side up while still blowing "little bubbles" so i didn't really pay attention. When we resurfaced he pointed out to my training buddy that you can't hand the octopus upside down or the mouth of water thing occurs. He however did congratulate me on recognizing the problem and resolving it on my own. He was pulling on me because he had his spare out right side up and was going to jam it in my mouth if i choked on water. YEAH!! i did good on that.

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